
Saturday, January 1, 2011

the one about OpenGL and 3D in HTML5 by David Griffiths

This is an O’reilly breakdown series video that demos the abilities of html5 canvas and OpenGL (both combined is called WebGL) where you can get real 3D objects right in your web page. Using J3DI an Apple open source library, David will build up a solar system model in a couple of hours code discussion.

First of all having 3d graphics in your browser is awesome! David did a great job building up the demo with smooth explanations especially 3D jargon ones.

Most of the time David is copying and pasting code from here and there which makes the idea of having 3D world in a webpage copy-paste easy
, but with this amount of copy n’ paste without knowing what it does specifically and “technically” for each code line is not a good idea for me. He explains the overall of what the code will do but that is not enough.

What I like in video tutorials and breakdowns is to be able to follow along while code being written. But I couldn’t; the code was not shared and with that amount of copy n’ paste it’s quite impossible. And When I tried start from scratch, finding the required libraries (j3di.js and j3dimath.js) on the web was not easy.

For a topic like WebGL a video or two is not enough, the video is recommended for those who want to have a demo being built in front of their eyes to see what can be done in html5 canvas and WebGL.

I received free access to watch this video from O’Reilly Media Inc. for the purpose of writing this review.but the price tag for the video is quite not reasonable; I mean I can have a WebGL reference book with the same amount of money (not technically the same but how many we need to master WebGL and you can do the math).

Bottom line Html5 and OpenGL is the future of the web, and despite the challenges I ran through, I would recommend this video for a friend. 

You can find the breakdown on the product website


  1. Good review, you put it down simply, good luck with further posts.

  2. thanks a lot Rakan, much appreciated
